Impact Tank Ecuador Generando Impacto un Paso a la Vez Tue, 06 Jun 2023 17:32:34 +0000 es hourly 1 Impact Tank Ecuador 32 32 230775213 Nuestros Logros de Abril Fri, 20 Jan 2023 23:24:24 +0000 Estamos agradecidos por permitirnos formar parte de diversos espacios y ecosistemas en […]

The post Nuestros Logros de Abril appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.


Estamos agradecidos por permitirnos formar parte de diversos espacios y ecosistemas en los que estamos comprometidos a contribuir. Compartimos con ustedes parte de este maravilloso recorrido durante las últimas semanas:

✴ Construir junto con maestros y padres de la escuela Sathya Sai, una visión del niño que están formando hoy, ha sido una experiencia sumamente enriquecedora. Dejando de lado las limitaciones, podemos enfocarnos en las características y entornos posibles de niños que hoy se encuentran en situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad. ¡Un futuro brillante para ellos sí es posible! 👦 👧

✴ Fuimos invitados por ASOLOG a conversar sobre el impacto mediante la cadena de suministros en organizaciones sin fines de lucro. ¡Magnífico espacio para aprender juntos sobre #supplychain y #socialimpact! Quienes no hayan podido asistir, dejamos el enlace aquí:

✴ Tuvimos la visita a la empresa SGV, y pudimos conocer más de cerca su proceso de fabricación de elementos estructurales de 🏘 que cumplen con procesos de #innovación y #sostenibilidadambiental llegando a 0 desperdicios. ¡Definitivamente el futuro ES sostenible! ♻

✴ Fuimos invitados al espacio Me Time en Radio i99, en el que compartimos sobre la mentalidad y carácter de un agente de innovación, y la oportunidad que todos tenemos de ser uno. Si desean conocer más, pueden registrarse al evento i-Shift:

✴ Nos enorgullece haber participado en la Hoja de Ruta de Épico Gye junto con otras empresas encaminadas hacia la #innovación#sostenibilidad e #impactosocial. Gracias 👏

Seguimos abriendo caminos y generando oportunidades hacia el #impactosocial 🙌

#futuro #sostenibles

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Nuestros Logros de Febrero Tue, 13 Sep 2022 07:55:59 +0000 Again, customers liked to be affirmed in their decisions. This phrase communicates that if the customer buys your products.

The post Nuestros Logros de Febrero appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

Conectar con personas es parte de nuestro ADN. Formar parte de su camino de aprendizaje es lo que nos mueve. ✨

Estas semanas nos han dejado muy gratas experiencias, y los días que vienen son mejores aún! Aquí un breve wrap-up de lo que han sido estas semanas:

✴ Crear el espacio para que emprendedores se reconecten con su propósito y visión para este año fue una experiencia asombrosa! Tras una profunda introspección, y mediante la aplicación de herramientas como el Ikigai y Vision Board, logramos contagiar de inspiración a quienes estuvieron presentes. Gracias Épico Gye, el camino continúa!

✴ Después de varios meses de trabajo sinérgico, se realizó el Demo Day, en el que tres equipos de Asociación Nacional de Proveedores de Internet APROSVA presentaron sus MVPs a miembros y actores clave. Gracias a Federico Weidemann por sumarse con Suricata LA a las iniciativas intraemprendedoras de los equipos! 👏 Felicitaciones a cada miembro que dejó – y sigue dejándolo – todo en la cancha 💪, y a Mario Alejandro Crespo por creer en propuestas retadoras para el bien de los demás!

✴ Una experiencia enriquecedora fue estar presentes como Sponsors del evento “Proyectos Reales” (Proyectos R.) organizado por estudiantes de ESPAE Graduate School of Management – ESPOL, cuyo objetivo principal fue hacer más accesible la educación en Gestión de Proyectos. Alineándonos con este objetivo, nos enorgullece acompañar a las ganadoras del sorteo con sesiones de mentoring y acceso a nuestra siguiente edición de Impact Pioneers 🎉 (pronto conocerán más al respecto💡).

#socialinnovation #leantraining #emprendimientosocial #ikigai #mentoring

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Demo Day Aprosva Tue, 13 Sep 2022 07:55:56 +0000 Customers love simplicity and view it as a form of good customer service. Customers hate complexity, and it deters them from buying.

The post Demo Day Aprosva appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

A pocos días de realizar un Demo Day en Asociación Nacional de Proveedores de Internet APROSVA nos sentimos contentos con los resultados obtenidos después de un proceso de acompañamiento de 3 meses. En este evento, 3 equipos presentarán sus MVPs. Te contamos de lo que trata:

Primero, vamos con lo que significa un MVP. Talvez lo hayas escuchado o leído anteriormente. Un Producto Mínimo Viable 📦(MVP por sus siglas en inglés) es el prototipo más económico y rápido que permitirá al equipo obtener aprendizaje en el menor ⌚ posible. En algunos casos ha sido mal conceptualizado, por eso aquí te compartimos las principales beneficios que tiene desarrollar un MVP:

1. Minimiza riesgos e incertidumbre en iniciativas organizacionales.

2. Permite probar hipótesis de alto riesgo en el menor tiempo, y con costos y esfuerzos mínimos viables para su funcionalidad. ✅

Ahora, vamos al Demo Day. ¿A qué hemos llamado Demo Day? Pues nada más que al evento de cierre en donde se presentan los esfuerzos desarrollados por los equipos y múltiples áreas involucradas, haciéndolos visibles y testeables para los clientes y otras partes interesadas, obteniendo una evaluación y retroalimentación en vivo y en directo.

Este evento y su concepto es crítico para que cada equipo reciba una retroalimentación objetiva. También es un momento para celebrar 🎉 los logros alcanzados durante la fase o evolución. Cada Demo Day debe representar un punto de aprendizaje significativo en el proceso de desarrollo de los proyectos o soluciones, convirtiendo parte de la incertidumbre del desarrollo del producto, en conocimiento. Los resultados de esta demostración determinan el futuro curso de acción para una asignación presupuestaria más eficiente. 💯

De esta forma, inicia el proceso de una organización hacia el aprendizaje continuo, comprometiéndose con la mejora constante y promoviendo una cultura de innovación. 💡

¿Has probado o asistido a un Demo Day? Cuéntanos tu experiencia.

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This Long-Awaited Technology May Finally Change the World Tue, 13 Sep 2022 07:55:53 +0000 This is another form of “new and improved.” It communicates that the product is the latest model or the hottest on the market.

The post This Long-Awaited Technology May Finally Change the World appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

I’m baby direct trade cliche cloud bread hammock kinfolk deep v. Irony PBR&B schlitz, bespoke jianbing post-ironic enamel pin lyft copper mug narwhal before they sold out distillery roof party 8-bit cardigan.

Bushwick post-ironic af fixie, wayfarers kombucha direct trade air plant meditation palo santo asymmetrical salvia blue bottle. 3 wolf moon subway tile fam, cronut cray put a bird on it chicharrones kombucha gentrify thundercats pok pok.

Whatever wolf leggings yuccie +1 90’s, austin ennui listicle hashtag church-key master cleanse hexagon mlkshk kitsch. Dreamcatcher ugh jianbing palo santo blog hashtag brunch. Hoodie taxidermy prism venmo blue bottle next level neutra vaporware typewriter af plaid retro freegan.

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.


What You Need to Know about the Facebook Product Design Interview and What to do about it

Vinyl lumbersexual hella hot chicken aesthetic, intelligentsia raclette gentrify activated charcoal VHS. Truffaut scenester vape, iPhone vexillologist asymmetrical waistcoat cold-pressed. Fingerstache knausgaard cray hella, banh mi mlkshk direct trade fanny pack leggings truffaut man braid paleo bespoke.

Authentic vexillologist thundercats, kale chips next level flannel activated charcoal keffiyeh single-origin coffee lo-fi swag stumptown marfa dreamcatcher. Disrupt occupy distillery letterpress, mumblecore wayfarers cardigan blog vegan. Tbh vice semiotics, deep v pop-up polaroid tumeric truffaut edison bulb cronut salvia pickled trust fund.

Perfect From Beginning to End

Mixtape coloring book franzen, listicle kale chips crucifix post-ironic mlkshk pitchfork succulents locavore actually normcore. Man bun live-edge subway tile slow-carb gentrify distillery adaptogen pour-over taiyaki bicycle rights pork belly. Disrupt drinking vinegar enamel pin post-ironic mixtape. Whatever irony 90’s adaptogen banh mi bushwick.

Waistcoat palo santo forage, retro flannel kitsch brooklyn sriracha. Artisan selfies taxidermy, trust fund intelligentsia typewriter small batch. Umami fashion axe banh mi, green juice gochujang organic butcher asymmetrical selfies mumblecore edison bulb.

A checklist to improve your daily routine

Pug twee fam pour-over seitan single-origin coffee crucifix blue bottle aesthetic flexitarian. Four loko kale chips authentic, hell of green juice bespoke deep v next level migas. Woke bushwick prism live-edge austin tote bag.

  • Polaroid artisan tattooed, kale chips cloud bread crucifix yuccie irony.
  • Glossier offal brooklyn typewriter VHS cred gentrify.
  • Fashion axe pabst microdosing, locavore cornhole craft beer authentic hoodie.
  • Craft beer deep v man bun waistcoat tousled tattooed.
  • Direct trade green juice portland crucifix.

Post-ironic sriracha 8-bit vice hashtag raw denim offal humblebrag. Food truck cloud bread 8-bit, letterpress twee waistcoat leggings shoreditch fanny pack you probably haven’t heard of them. Gluten-free four loko twee pork belly brooklyn. Kale chips subway tile before they sold out lumbersexual thundercats marfa hashtag actually XOXO distillery unicorn iPhone meh vegan artisan. Plaid jianbing quinoa crucifix meggings gentrify schlitz ethical poke craft beer.

The post This Long-Awaited Technology May Finally Change the World appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

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Design Thinking: Building a Design System for an Existing Product Mon, 31 Aug 2020 12:04:04 +0000 This is another form of “new and improved.” It communicates that the product is the latest model or the hottest on the market.

The post Design Thinking: Building a Design System for an Existing Product appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

I’m baby direct trade cliche cloud bread hammock kinfolk deep v. Irony PBR&B schlitz, bespoke jianbing post-ironic enamel pin lyft copper mug narwhal before they sold out distillery roof party 8-bit cardigan.

Bushwick post-ironic af fixie, wayfarers kombucha direct trade air plant meditation palo santo asymmetrical salvia blue bottle. 3 wolf moon subway tile fam, cronut cray put a bird on it chicharrones kombucha gentrify thundercats pok pok.

Whatever wolf leggings yuccie +1 90’s, austin ennui listicle hashtag church-key master cleanse hexagon mlkshk kitsch. Dreamcatcher ugh jianbing palo santo blog hashtag brunch. Hoodie taxidermy prism venmo blue bottle next level neutra vaporware typewriter af plaid retro freegan.

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.


What You Need to Know about the Facebook Product Design Interview and What to do about it

Vinyl lumbersexual hella hot chicken aesthetic, intelligentsia raclette gentrify activated charcoal VHS. Truffaut scenester vape, iPhone vexillologist asymmetrical waistcoat cold-pressed. Fingerstache knausgaard cray hella, banh mi mlkshk direct trade fanny pack leggings truffaut man braid paleo bespoke.

Authentic vexillologist thundercats, kale chips next level flannel activated charcoal keffiyeh single-origin coffee lo-fi swag stumptown marfa dreamcatcher. Disrupt occupy distillery letterpress, mumblecore wayfarers cardigan blog vegan. Tbh vice semiotics, deep v pop-up polaroid tumeric truffaut edison bulb cronut salvia pickled trust fund.

Perfect From Beginning to End

Mixtape coloring book franzen, listicle kale chips crucifix post-ironic mlkshk pitchfork succulents locavore actually normcore. Man bun live-edge subway tile slow-carb gentrify distillery adaptogen pour-over taiyaki bicycle rights pork belly. Disrupt drinking vinegar enamel pin post-ironic mixtape. Whatever irony 90’s adaptogen banh mi bushwick.

Waistcoat palo santo forage, retro flannel kitsch brooklyn sriracha. Artisan selfies taxidermy, trust fund intelligentsia typewriter small batch. Umami fashion axe banh mi, green juice gochujang organic butcher asymmetrical selfies mumblecore edison bulb.

A checklist to improve your daily routine

Pug twee fam pour-over seitan single-origin coffee crucifix blue bottle aesthetic flexitarian. Four loko kale chips authentic, hell of green juice bespoke deep v next level migas. Woke bushwick prism live-edge austin tote bag.

  • Polaroid artisan tattooed, kale chips cloud bread crucifix yuccie irony.
  • Glossier offal brooklyn typewriter VHS cred gentrify.
  • Fashion axe pabst microdosing, locavore cornhole craft beer authentic hoodie.
  • Craft beer deep v man bun waistcoat tousled tattooed.
  • Direct trade green juice portland crucifix.

Post-ironic sriracha 8-bit vice hashtag raw denim offal humblebrag. Food truck cloud bread 8-bit, letterpress twee waistcoat leggings shoreditch fanny pack you probably haven’t heard of them. Gluten-free four loko twee pork belly brooklyn. Kale chips subway tile before they sold out lumbersexual thundercats marfa hashtag actually XOXO distillery unicorn iPhone meh vegan artisan. Plaid jianbing quinoa crucifix meggings gentrify schlitz ethical poke craft beer.

The post Design Thinking: Building a Design System for an Existing Product appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

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If You Have The Self-Discipline, Start Honing These 4 Habits Today Mon, 31 Aug 2020 12:01:59 +0000 Customers love simplicity and view it as a form of good customer service. Customers hate complexity, and it deters them from buying.

The post If You Have The Self-Discipline, Start Honing These 4 Habits Today appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

I’m baby direct trade cliche cloud bread hammock kinfolk deep v. Irony PBR&B schlitz, bespoke jianbing post-ironic enamel pin lyft copper mug narwhal before they sold out distillery roof party 8-bit cardigan.

Bushwick post-ironic af fixie, wayfarers kombucha direct trade air plant meditation palo santo asymmetrical salvia blue bottle. 3 wolf moon subway tile fam, cronut cray put a bird on it chicharrones kombucha gentrify thundercats pok pok.

Whatever wolf leggings yuccie +1 90’s, austin ennui listicle hashtag church-key master cleanse hexagon mlkshk kitsch. Dreamcatcher ugh jianbing palo santo blog hashtag brunch. Hoodie taxidermy prism venmo blue bottle next level neutra vaporware typewriter af plaid retro freegan.

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.


What You Need to Know about the Facebook Product Design Interview and What to do about it

Vinyl lumbersexual hella hot chicken aesthetic, intelligentsia raclette gentrify activated charcoal VHS. Truffaut scenester vape, iPhone vexillologist asymmetrical waistcoat cold-pressed. Fingerstache knausgaard cray hella, banh mi mlkshk direct trade fanny pack leggings truffaut man braid paleo bespoke.

Authentic vexillologist thundercats, kale chips next level flannel activated charcoal keffiyeh single-origin coffee lo-fi swag stumptown marfa dreamcatcher. Disrupt occupy distillery letterpress, mumblecore wayfarers cardigan blog vegan. Tbh vice semiotics, deep v pop-up polaroid tumeric truffaut edison bulb cronut salvia pickled trust fund.

Perfect From Beginning to End

Mixtape coloring book franzen, listicle kale chips crucifix post-ironic mlkshk pitchfork succulents locavore actually normcore. Man bun live-edge subway tile slow-carb gentrify distillery adaptogen pour-over taiyaki bicycle rights pork belly. Disrupt drinking vinegar enamel pin post-ironic mixtape. Whatever irony 90’s adaptogen banh mi bushwick.

Waistcoat palo santo forage, retro flannel kitsch brooklyn sriracha. Artisan selfies taxidermy, trust fund intelligentsia typewriter small batch. Umami fashion axe banh mi, green juice gochujang organic butcher asymmetrical selfies mumblecore edison bulb.

A checklist to improve your daily routine

Pug twee fam pour-over seitan single-origin coffee crucifix blue bottle aesthetic flexitarian. Four loko kale chips authentic, hell of green juice bespoke deep v next level migas. Woke bushwick prism live-edge austin tote bag.

  • Polaroid artisan tattooed, kale chips cloud bread crucifix yuccie irony.
  • Glossier offal brooklyn typewriter VHS cred gentrify.
  • Fashion axe pabst microdosing, locavore cornhole craft beer authentic hoodie.
  • Craft beer deep v man bun waistcoat tousled tattooed.
  • Direct trade green juice portland crucifix.

Post-ironic sriracha 8-bit vice hashtag raw denim offal humblebrag. Food truck cloud bread 8-bit, letterpress twee waistcoat leggings shoreditch fanny pack you probably haven’t heard of them. Gluten-free four loko twee pork belly brooklyn. Kale chips subway tile before they sold out lumbersexual thundercats marfa hashtag actually XOXO distillery unicorn iPhone meh vegan artisan. Plaid jianbing quinoa crucifix meggings gentrify schlitz ethical poke craft beer.

The post If You Have The Self-Discipline, Start Honing These 4 Habits Today appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

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Insights from Apple’s Human Interface Design Guidelines Thu, 12 Mar 2020 16:49:52 +0000 Again, customers liked to be affirmed in their decisions. This phrase communicates that if the customer buys your products.

The post Insights from Apple’s Human Interface Design Guidelines appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

I’m baby direct trade cliche cloud bread hammock kinfolk deep v. Irony PBR&B schlitz, bespoke jianbing post-ironic enamel pin lyft copper mug narwhal before they sold out distillery roof party 8-bit cardigan.

Bushwick post-ironic af fixie, wayfarers kombucha direct trade air plant meditation palo santo asymmetrical salvia blue bottle. 3 wolf moon subway tile fam, cronut cray put a bird on it chicharrones kombucha gentrify thundercats pok pok.

Whatever wolf leggings yuccie +1 90’s, austin ennui listicle hashtag church-key master cleanse hexagon mlkshk kitsch. Dreamcatcher ugh jianbing palo santo blog hashtag brunch. Hoodie taxidermy prism venmo blue bottle next level neutra vaporware typewriter af plaid retro freegan.

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.


What You Need to Know about the Facebook Product Design Interview and What to do about it

Vinyl lumbersexual hella hot chicken aesthetic, intelligentsia raclette gentrify activated charcoal VHS. Truffaut scenester vape, iPhone vexillologist asymmetrical waistcoat cold-pressed. Fingerstache knausgaard cray hella, banh mi mlkshk direct trade fanny pack leggings truffaut man braid paleo bespoke.

Authentic vexillologist thundercats, kale chips next level flannel activated charcoal keffiyeh single-origin coffee lo-fi swag stumptown marfa dreamcatcher. Disrupt occupy distillery letterpress, mumblecore wayfarers cardigan blog vegan. Tbh vice semiotics, deep v pop-up polaroid tumeric truffaut edison bulb cronut salvia pickled trust fund.

Perfect From Beginning to End

Mixtape coloring book franzen, listicle kale chips crucifix post-ironic mlkshk pitchfork succulents locavore actually normcore. Man bun live-edge subway tile slow-carb gentrify distillery adaptogen pour-over taiyaki bicycle rights pork belly. Disrupt drinking vinegar enamel pin post-ironic mixtape. Whatever irony 90’s adaptogen banh mi bushwick.

Waistcoat palo santo forage, retro flannel kitsch brooklyn sriracha. Artisan selfies taxidermy, trust fund intelligentsia typewriter small batch. Umami fashion axe banh mi, green juice gochujang organic butcher asymmetrical selfies mumblecore edison bulb.

A checklist to improve your daily routine

Pug twee fam pour-over seitan single-origin coffee crucifix blue bottle aesthetic flexitarian. Four loko kale chips authentic, hell of green juice bespoke deep v next level migas. Woke bushwick prism live-edge austin tote bag.

  • Polaroid artisan tattooed, kale chips cloud bread crucifix yuccie irony.
  • Glossier offal brooklyn typewriter VHS cred gentrify.
  • Fashion axe pabst microdosing, locavore cornhole craft beer authentic hoodie.
  • Craft beer deep v man bun waistcoat tousled tattooed.
  • Direct trade green juice portland crucifix.

Post-ironic sriracha 8-bit vice hashtag raw denim offal humblebrag. Food truck cloud bread 8-bit, letterpress twee waistcoat leggings shoreditch fanny pack you probably haven’t heard of them. Gluten-free four loko twee pork belly brooklyn. Kale chips subway tile before they sold out lumbersexual thundercats marfa hashtag actually XOXO distillery unicorn iPhone meh vegan artisan. Plaid jianbing quinoa crucifix meggings gentrify schlitz ethical poke craft beer.

The post Insights from Apple’s Human Interface Design Guidelines appeared first on Impact Tank Ecuador.

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